Page 296 - 퇴옹학보 제17집
P. 296
296 • 『퇴옹학보』 제17집
and successors. Gradually this kind of study began to attract
scholars' attention nowadays. It is true that the study of high
부 록
Buddhist monks in the modern and contemporary Korea has
a certain historical value like that of the traditional era. In
addition, research in this period is necessary for the restoration
and completion of the imperfect Korean Buddhist history. The
Korean Buddhist academia must collect data for the study of
high Buddhist monks in the modern and contemporary Korea,
and establish an objective and rigorous historical perception. In
addition, various topics and a wide range of research should be
Key words
Modernity, high Buddhist monk, Recognition of history, Japanese colonial
투고일 2020.11.6 | 심사완료일 2020.11.17 | 게재확정일 2020.11.25