Page 220 - 퇴옹학보 제18집
P. 220
220 • 『퇴옹학보』 제18집
married Buddhist monk.
Master Sungchol has shown the fundamental cause of
suffering as the division, conflict and confrontation to split
up people and society. Looking straight at these patterns of
suffering dominating those days, he proposed the practice of
Middle Path as a solution. By rediscovering the value of Middle
Path in Buddhism and by highlighting their importance, he
established so-called Buddhist Studies System based on Middle
Path. Furthermore, he proposed Middle Path as a fundamental
solution to heal social conflicts.
Key words
Toeong Sungchol, Thoughts of Middle Path, Buddhist Studies
System, Sermon of One Hundred Days, Haeinchongrim(海印叢林),
Toeong Studies.
투고일 2021.5.9. | 심사완료일 2021.5.24. | 게재확정일 2021.6.10.