Page 256 - 퇴옹학보 제18집
P. 256
256 • 『퇴옹학보』 제18집
Therefore, the function of faith is related to the Ganhwa
Seon and the silver-penetration Seon performance of Zen.
Thus, Zen҆s belief is the basis of performance, and practice
부 록
is the result of faith. In conclusion, faith is directed toward
performance, performance is directed toward enlightenment,
and enlightenment is directed toward enlightenment, so
faith, performance, enlightenment and enlightenment are not
different beings.
Key words
faith, Practice, Bodhidharma, Daihui-Zonggao, Ganhwa Seon,
Hongzhi-Zhengjue, silence-penetration Seon.
투고일 2021.5.10. | 심사완료일 2021.5.24. | 게재확정일 2021.6.10.